Finally! The brainchild of Izea has come to light. Yes folks! It is none other than the SocialSpark. Social spark is a web portal where you can join in a network of global bloggers who have registered themselves into this beautiful site. Social spark is where you join in communities which can be related to your blog or is it necessary to be related? This portal is like a social network where you can find and make friends from extreme ends of the world. Search people, make friends. This is as simple as creating a mail id or any profile.
Is SocialSpark all about friends? No. SocialSpark is a convergence of bloggers where you can exhibit your blog and even earn rep points for your blog which increases the possibilities of your blog more public in the World Wide Web. You find advertisers finding nice portals to promote their products in social spark. Why can’t it be your site? For eg. I just enrolled myself in social spark few days before and created a profile. Watch the profile of how soon I was able to create friends from other continents and earn prop points for my blog. I thought it would be a better idea of showing my profile rather than showing others because I got to be honest to you people who are traversing through this message. Join in SocialSpark and ignite yourself from the spark.